Friday, April 24, 2009


This site contains very useful information for mi carrer likes articles, links to other websites, interviews to famous anthropologyst in youtube's videos, and the most important, complete texts of several topics and authors, including contemporary and the classic authors like Levi-Strauss, MarvinHarris, Karl Marx, Margaret Mead, Louis Althuser, Clifford Geertz, all in PDF format.

This is the link :

Is an argentine website, created by anthropology students of the UBA. I found this site by casualty two or three years ago and helps me much to get important complete books. Including i print some texts.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The first post...

This is my blog, named like the book of the clasic antropologyst B. Maliniwski "Argonauts of Western Pacific", created for me, Javier, a simple English student who try to learn this curiosly languaje that appear in everywhere in this corner of the world, like much places in this moment.

This blog maybe helps me to learn more about this languaje, because force me to think in English, a very hard exercise for me maybe this wasn't my favorite class since the highschool and I been try evited it, until today.

Well, I think that now is the moment to the make the peaces with the English because the world ask me, and maybe the life will be more easly.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My favourite piece of technology...

My favourite piece of technology is the photographic camera, digital or analog, because any picture that you shot can be unrepeatable. The digital camera it's more practical, since you can take an unlimited number of photos. The analog camera it's more expensive because a film only contains 36 pictures, but if you do all the process (since the take of a picture until the chemical process in a laboratory) the results can be more interesting, especially whith a reflex camera.
My brother gave me an analog camera, that i used the last year in my diferents travels to locations like San pedro de Atacama, Pichidegua, San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, Pica and Iquique.
The use of a reflex camera are not than easy like the digital, because you must control more variables manually, like the time of exposition to light and the focus.
Difinitely, without the photographic camera much memorys in my live simply disappear.