Sunday, April 19, 2009

The first post...

This is my blog, named like the book of the clasic antropologyst B. Maliniwski "Argonauts of Western Pacific", created for me, Javier, a simple English student who try to learn this curiosly languaje that appear in everywhere in this corner of the world, like much places in this moment.

This blog maybe helps me to learn more about this languaje, because force me to think in English, a very hard exercise for me maybe this wasn't my favorite class since the highschool and I been try evited it, until today.

Well, I think that now is the moment to the make the peaces with the English because the world ask me, and maybe the life will be more easly.


  1. Javier,
    I hope you succeed in mastering the English language. It’s not an easy task at first and it takes time, but it’s very rewarding since it is a key that opens many doors: internet, literature, articles related to your career, etc.
    I can tell by your post that you need a lot to learn, so I hope you get a lot done!
    Please have a look at the corrections in capital letters and don’t hesitate to ask me in case of doubts.

    Sunday, April 19, 2009
    The first post...
    This is my blog, named AFTER the book of the claSsic antHropologIst B. Maliniwski: "Argonauts of Western Pacific", created BY me, Javier, a simple English student who IS tryING to learn this curioUs( ) languaje that appearS ( ) everywhere in this corner of the world, AS IN MANY places NOWADAYS/THESE DAYS.

    This blog maybe helps me to learn more about this languaje, because forceS me to think in English, -a very hard exercise for me. Maybe this wasn't my favorite class IN ( ) highschool and I HAVE AVOIDED it, until today.

    Well, I think that now is the moment to COME TO TERMS with the English LANGUAGE because the world IS askING me TO DO SO, and maybe( ) life will be EASIER.
    a) To talk about authors, performers, etc., use: created by, written by, played by, etc.

  2. Your presentation was interesting
    But... How is Malinowosky?
    It is a very rare name
