Friday, June 12, 2009

My ideal job

My ideal job? well, is a very difficult cuestion. I cuold say that i want a very funny job in a tropical island living the rest of my live in a beach with beautifull girls and surfing perfect waves. But i can not forget my objetives of do a good job like social scientist.
My ideal job simply would be do an interesting or important work in Anthropology or Archeology. In Anthropology i hope work in topics how damages neighborhoods in crowed cities, asymmetric realtionships in rural society, the indigenist cultural resistance and social claims, among other topics. In Archeology my interest is more wide (since gatherer-hunter to farm societies).
I hope generate a useful knowledge of our society to change this unjust and uneven sistem that harms to majority people.
Anyway, in five years of studies (and another more for Archeology degree) I have developed the theoretical and methodological skills need to do a god job in any área of the profession in many field works across this years. Por esto, I believe that i am good in many topics of social sciences, form the study of societies of the past to the stratified society of the neoliberlism phase.
How in many profession, find a good job, well-paid and relevant to the society is too hard. Exist many jobs, but many are a boring or irrelevant. All depends of motivation, and specially learn move well in the labor market.

1 comment:

  1. Well Javier, if you find a job on that island, let me and my friends know about it.
    Here’s a note and your corrected post.

    A) fun/ funny: something fun is enjoyable, entertaining. If something is funny it makes you laugh.

    My ideal job? well, IT/THAT is a very difficult QUEstion. I cOUld say that i want a very ENJOYABLE job ON a tropical island, living the rest of my live ON a beach with beautifull girls and surfing perfect waves. But i can not forget my objetives of doING a good job AS A social scientist.
    My ideal job would simply be doING an interesting or important work in Anthropology or Archeology. In Anthropology i hope TO work in topics LIKE/ SUCH TOPICS AS damagED neighborhoods in crowDed cities, asymmetric realtionships in rural society, the indigenist cultural resistance and social claims, among other topics. In Archeology my interest is more wide/WIDER (FROM gatherer-hunter to farm societies).
    I hope TO generate a useful knowledge of our society to change this unjust/UNFAIR and uneven sYstem that harms THE majority people.
    Anyway, in five years of studies (and another more for AN Archeology degree) I WILL have developed the NECESSARY theoretical and methodological skills to do a god job in any área of the profession in many fieldS OFwork across thESE years. FOR THIS REASON/THAT’S WHY, I believe that I am good WITH many topics of social sciences, fROm the study of societies of the past to the stratified society of the neoliberlism phase.
    AS in many professionS, findING a good job, -well-paid and relevant to the society- is too hard. there EXIST/THERE ARE many jobs, but many are (/) boring or irrelevant. iT All depends ON motivation,( and specially learn move well in the labor market.:( NOT CLEAR ENOUGH)
