Friday, June 19, 2009

My favorite subject

This term, first semester of fourth year of Social Anthropology, i dont have subjects very goods or very interesting than the last years, but I have some subjects in which I have learned a lot. One of them is Quantitative Methods II, with the teacher Jaime Fierro.
This topic, the quantitative methodology, can be very bored sometimes, but when knows its utility
to understand the complex of social reality my opinion changed completely.
With a statistical analysis using a software like SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), we can understand the relations of a lot of variables in a big population using a series of analysis techniques that has learnt in the subject, like Factor analysis for find underlying structures in a pattern of correlations, or Multiple linear regression for find relations between a lot of independent variables and only one dependent variable.
This subject can be interesting, but if not for the teacher Jaime Fierro, a prominent Sociologist, this subject would be very bored.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My ideal job

My ideal job? well, is a very difficult cuestion. I cuold say that i want a very funny job in a tropical island living the rest of my live in a beach with beautifull girls and surfing perfect waves. But i can not forget my objetives of do a good job like social scientist.
My ideal job simply would be do an interesting or important work in Anthropology or Archeology. In Anthropology i hope work in topics how damages neighborhoods in crowed cities, asymmetric realtionships in rural society, the indigenist cultural resistance and social claims, among other topics. In Archeology my interest is more wide (since gatherer-hunter to farm societies).
I hope generate a useful knowledge of our society to change this unjust and uneven sistem that harms to majority people.
Anyway, in five years of studies (and another more for Archeology degree) I have developed the theoretical and methodological skills need to do a god job in any área of the profession in many field works across this years. Por esto, I believe that i am good in many topics of social sciences, form the study of societies of the past to the stratified society of the neoliberlism phase.
How in many profession, find a good job, well-paid and relevant to the society is too hard. Exist many jobs, but many are a boring or irrelevant. All depends of motivation, and specially learn move well in the labor market.

My Future

Anthropology is a career something uncertain. I did not even know what I'll do the next years, but i have some plans respect to my future.
I hope to live far away of Santiago, because I am tired of this city. In a few years I will live in many places of Chile, no matter if in the South or North, in a valley or in a beach. I hope tavel and know many towns and cities in Chile, America, or who knows, the world.
This years has been very long for me, studying the time pass very slow. But this years have not pass in vain. I try to do two careers on the same time: Social Anthropology and Archeology. Has been a hard task, but both titles provides to me more choices of work in a field that likes me. So, in five years I hope be consolidated in any discipline and work in good, interesting and amusting job living away of this poluted city.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The best in archeology: Lewis Binford

Lewis Binford is an important archaeologist. In the sixties he founded the "New Archeology", also knows as "Ethnoarchaeology"or "Processual archaeology" school of thought, in wich the etnographic method its interpretative base of the archaeological record. This paradigm was very relevant in archeology, and determined scientific research specially until the end of seventies.
Binford developed his teory in works how "Nunamiut Ethnoarchaeology", "Archaeology as Anthropology" or " In Pursuit of the Past". In those articles he raised that to interpret the archaeological sites and artifacts it must watch how are formed through the etnographic observation of "primitives" people that are living in our times.
Watching daily activities and his waste ( what will become in the archaeological record in the future) in a particular culture, he succeeded make the "middle range" theory, a generalization about the formation and interpretation of archaeological record.
I admire that beacuase his theory is based on field work. The more famous is that he was performed in Alaska whit the Nunamiut people, a nomad tribe that lives of the hunting of caribou. He was living whit them and followed in they constant transhumance around those cold lands.
Finally, his wok meant a break in history of the discipline, and expand the archaeological search far away the excavation, since Binford work's the study object is the territory.

Friday, May 8, 2009

a picture that like's me

This picture was taked the last monday in Punta de Lobos, a beach near Pichilemu in the VI Region of O'Higgins, in the context of the surf competition "Quicksilver ceremonial Punta de Lobos Big Wave contest".

You can see a men surfing a wave of 7 meters. It's a really dangerous feat, beacause are a lot of tons of water behind that could be crush his body, causing seriusly damages. To this, must add it the fact that in Punta de Lobos there are a lot of rock in the bottom and shore.

This day, the sea are really "big" and wild. Waves around 7 and 9 meters, were surf by experienced surfers that risked his lives for ride the wave of his lives.

Friday, April 24, 2009


This site contains very useful information for mi carrer likes articles, links to other websites, interviews to famous anthropologyst in youtube's videos, and the most important, complete texts of several topics and authors, including contemporary and the classic authors like Levi-Strauss, MarvinHarris, Karl Marx, Margaret Mead, Louis Althuser, Clifford Geertz, all in PDF format.

This is the link :

Is an argentine website, created by anthropology students of the UBA. I found this site by casualty two or three years ago and helps me much to get important complete books. Including i print some texts.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The first post...

This is my blog, named like the book of the clasic antropologyst B. Maliniwski "Argonauts of Western Pacific", created for me, Javier, a simple English student who try to learn this curiosly languaje that appear in everywhere in this corner of the world, like much places in this moment.

This blog maybe helps me to learn more about this languaje, because force me to think in English, a very hard exercise for me maybe this wasn't my favorite class since the highschool and I been try evited it, until today.

Well, I think that now is the moment to the make the peaces with the English because the world ask me, and maybe the life will be more easly.